Thursday 11 February 2016

value of education

Values in Education

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Values in Education is a holistic educational program developed in response to the need for moral, character and social development for preschool and primary school aged children in India. This four-part program is designed to have maximum reach by enhancing institutions and schools dedicated to the care and education of underserved children in the core subject of value education; moral, character and social development.
A key aspect of the program also includes addressing and advocating the need for quality educational materials and effective teaching methods of relatable character-building values within the education systems and institutions. The program aim is to impact future societies, one child at a time by enhancing the learning capacity and method used by teachers assisting children in the acquisition of character development. The material used in the program consists of two series of educational books, along with accompanying multimedia presentations, follow-up activities and curriculum plans.

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Girls School in Hyderabad Gets First Library of 2015

396 children have benefited from our first Library delivery of 2015! A Girls School in Hyderabad is a free English language instruction school for economically underprivileged girls.
Along with the library we conducted a workshop which provided training to 14 teachers, supporting them to use and better understand the curriculum and library contents. The educational center was so very happy with the workshop and are excited to use our library to impart quality education to the children they serve.

Values In Education Highlights - 2014

 This project continues to grow steadily month by month and year by year so that the VIE network database today consist of 58 educational organizations and schools, and with a total of 19,876 children who have been reached to-date!

Activated Ministries Sponsors 22 Values Libraries for 5000 Indian Children

Many, many thanks to Activated Ministries for helping to make 2013 another successful year as well as my trip to India all possible, sponsoring 22 libraries and administration cost to manage the expenses, pay for travel, invest in development and outreach. Despite setbacks and geographical changes, 2013 poses to be one of VIE’s best years yet, with the efforts continuing on through the first few months of 2014. Our target reach for the 22 libraries sponsored continues to stand at more than 5,000 children, which will bring our total documented stats to 20,000 children. Exciting!

Values in Education - Program Updates - 2012

Since 2009 Values in Education (VIE), a holistic educational program for moral, character and social development for preschool and primary school aged children has reached out to impact a documented 11,520 children.
Values in Education is a holistic educational program developed in response to the need for moral, character and social development for preschool and primary school aged children in India. This four-part program is designed to have maximum reach by enhancing institutions and schools dedicated to the care and education of underserved children in the core subject of value education; moral, character and social development.
A key aspect of the program also includes addressing and advocating the need for quality educational materials and effective teaching methods of relatable character-building values within the education systems and institutions. The program aim is to impact future societies, one child at a time by enhancing the learning capacity and method used by teachers assisting children in the acquisition of character development. The material used in the program consists of two series of educational books, along with accompanying multimedia presentations, follow-up activities and curriculum plans.

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