Thursday 11 February 2016


Should we change the present system of education in our country? (01-9-2012)
A good education system keeps the foundation of prosperity and success for the country. If a country wants to be independent and economically well then it needs to check the education system which it is following.


- There is need for more innovation in the education system.
- More advanced technologies should be used in this sector in order to compete with other countries.
- More and more amendments should be done to make students more physically fit and mentally strong.
- Schools and institutes should focus more on the development of an individual.
- Schools and institutes with education should teach values and manners.


- The system is automatically changing and including new and moder options to help students to improve their skills. 
- The curriculum has already included the improvements like “balanced textbooks” and they try to make it more interactive.
- Current education trends are using more technological programs to help students grow and to increase their memory.
- Lots of programs is been conducted to help students to grow mentally and professionally.

According to me the curriculum needs a revision on the prospects they are providing in their education system to strengthen it more. 
ard work or Smart work - Which is important? (01-9-2012)

Hard work or Smart work - Which is important?

Work is important to do as it takes us to the next level of success. The most important question you should ask at this place is what kind of work will take you to that level: is it hard work or smart work.


- Smart work is really the need of the hour.
- Smart work saves lots of time and allows you to be more organized.
- Through smart work your goals can be reached faster.
- Doing smart work allows you to save time for other things which you might not get by doing hard work like, exercise, spending time with family etc.
- Smart work brings lots of recognition from the society and allows you to grow more in the industry you are in.


- Hard work takes lots of time just to make things correct.
- It is totally time consuming and exhausting experience, as after doing lots of work you left out with less energy to do anything else.
- Hard work doesn't allow you to fully use your brain and it pushes you for more physical work.
- In terms of determination and persistence hard work is really important but not lot can be achieved.
- Working hard is not enough as it might not bring the best result of a problem or a situation.

I would like to conclude in the end that smart work is really important as it saves time and allows you to reach your goals faster than that of a hard work. 
Wisdom does not come with age. (01-9-2012)
Wisdom is a perception of looking at things. It is something which is inbuilt and increases with the experiences.

- Experiences in life make us wiser.
- Decisions which we make at every step of life also increase our level of wisdom.
- Wisdom is something which is a inner quality. Some people have it by birth and some gain it by observing things around them.
- Wisdom comes with the knowledge to distinct from right and wrong


- Wisdom helps in understanding the world better and it increases as the age increases.
- As we grow old we learn many things from our personal experiences as well as from other people's experiences.

It depends on person to person, how they view and understand things around them. It is not necessary that if a person of 50 years old then he will have more wisdom as compared to a person who is 20 years old. Wisdom helps you to take your decision in a right way.

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