Thursday 11 February 2016


Image result for images of universityRight to information- Is it good for Indian system? (02-3-2012)
Right to information or RTI is the significant step which has been introduced in the Indian history. This step of government will help the citizens of the country to get the relevant and required information in the right time. This law will give more recognition to the democracy.

- It will better the governance of India as the citizens will be at its centre.
- This law will allow more accountability as the citizens of the country will be interested in knowing what their representatives are doing.
- Now nothing will be hidden from the general public as they can get any type of information, any time, from anywhere.
- RTI will help Ind ia in combating corruption.

abit and routine have an unbelievable power to waste and destroy - Group discussion. (06-12-2012)
We often hear, “Once a mistake, twice a habit”. No one wants to make mistakes consciously. When we continue to do certain things regularly, they become a part of our routine. Remember, habits and routines are mostly driven through our subconscious mind and hence, they have the power to either surprise us or destroy us.


-Bad habits reflect negativity and eventually lead to a bad attitude, low confidence.

-Certain habits like smoking, excessive use of tobacco etc. are nothing but bad habits that has the power to destroy us.

-Misuse of money, spending too much on trivial things becomes a habit and certainly results in wastage.

-Certain things become a routine for us to get our work done in an easy way- this often leads us to bribe people.

-Some habits make us judgmental and thus, we lose our ability to think “out of the box”.


-Good habits can influence people in a positive way.

-Routine like waking up early can be considered as a good habit and doesn’t really lead to any destruction.

-Some people can’t start their day without meditation or any form of physical exercise. This is a good habit that leads to peace of mind.

-Some habits lead to optimism and help us to cross any hurdles that may come our way.

indicates the expensiveness of goods and services for foreign buyers.

- Exporters like garment etc. will be benefited by the rise of US dollar.
- The revenue growth will have an impost due to increase of US dollar.
- Higher rupee earnings will be gained by the IT sector revenues which come mainly from US and European countries.
- Booking of more contracts can be done for exporting the goods.
- Rise in dollar will make Indian real estate cheaper then before.

- Rising US dollar is weakening our currency.
- Creating problems for the central bank as it is almost going in inflation.
- Weakening of rupee will increase the expensiveness of oil imports prices.
- Investors getting afraid to invest in Indian markets.
- Domestic share market is falling which is raising more concern over the rupee.

Foreign currency rates are stronger but the way the US dollar is rising, we should not be very happy about it as our currency value is decreasing and we are on the verge of facing another recession.

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